The Free Resources area of this website includes a number of articles related to criminal immigration law. They may be read online, or downloaded as PDFs. New articles are posted from time to time, so check back to see if anything interests you. You may share them with friends and colleagues. All we ask is that you include our copyright notice, and a statement that they are reproduced by permission of this website.
Articles List
Click on the link below to be taken to the article directly or read below for a short description of each.
Articles Description
Evaluating the Chances of Post-Conviction Relief
This article addresses various practical factors to consider in determining the chances of success in reopening a conviction or sentence in a criminal case, for the purpose of avoiding adverse immigration consequences. Download PDF now.
Tooby's Guide To Criminal and Immigration Law (2008).
This 230-page guide briefly covers all aspects of criminal immigration law of greatest interest to criminal defense lawyers, and summarizes most of the 2000-page treatise, Criminal Defense of Immigrants, with cross-references to more detailed treatment of each subject. It is designed to be concise, and simple, yet comprehensive. Download PDF now.
Three Reasons to Protect Our Clients' Immigration Status
This article describes the three primary reasons for criminal lawyers to protect the clients' immigration status during the criminal case:
- It is in our clients' interest for us to do so.
- If we don't help the client avoid adverse immigration consequences in criminal court, very often the client cannot be helped at all, and it's difficult or impossible to recover from a mistake.
- It is part of our job as criminal lawyers, and it is in our own interest to do a good job.
Bibliography on Criminal and Immigration Law
A selected bibliography of the secondary legal literature relevant to determining the immigration consequences of criminal convictions and ways in which they can be eliminated or reduced. It is organized in a number of topics:
Immigration Consequences
State References
Record Clearance
Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
Criminal Defense
Aggravated Felony