Safe Havens


§ 7.23 (A)

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(A)  Reducing the Level of the Offense from Felony to Misdemeanor.  Some aggravated felony definitions require the conviction to be a felony, before it will be considered an aggravated felony.  See § § 7.19-7.22, supra.


            Thus, if a state felony drug conviction can be reduced to a misdemeanor, it would no longer qualify as an aggravated felony in these contexts.  For a detailed examination of a motion to reduce a felony to a misdemeanor, in one jurisdiction allowing such a procedure, to avoid a conviction being considered an aggravated felony, see N. Tooby, California Post-Conviction Relief for Immigrants, Chapter 9 (2002).  N. Tooby, Post-Conviction Relief for Immigrants § § 7.120-7.132 (2004).